Expected Turbulence

I received a call from my sister last night. It took several minutes for me to realize that she was attempting to take her own life... Box cutter, heavy drinking and a bath tub was all she needed to make things "go away".

Speaking with her husband and oldest daughter, I noted the trends... Constant drinking, bizarre behaviors (driving around to store after store looking for a particular brand of hot dog buns), exaggerated enragement over something as silly as a grandchild getting punished.

Having something of this nature happen at the worst time (Hello? Global Pandemic?) I suppose I should have anticipated and prepared for.

Normal life pressures can be a terrible strain in ones life. Add in the amorphous threat of a deadly illness lurking outside the front door can only increase the threat to the point where some people burst wide open.

I wrote an email to the company about that very topic. Still waiting for the head guy to okay it. But in any case, I'll post it here as well.


The COVID–19 threat has proved itself not only a threat to everyone’s health, but to our common shared sense of well-being. Bare store shelves, closed businesses, horror stories in the news, and uncertain future… It’s a lot of pressure for any of us take.

We are at the very beginning of an unprecedented period in history. While a lot of us at [my company] work from home, still more of us are at the epicenter of efforts to combat the virus- hospitals and other medical facilities.

Please take time to take care of yourselves. Talk to your family and loved ones. A shared grief is a grief diminished. We can make it together.

If you need to talk, please consider reaching out to the Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or go by https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ there is no shame if you need help during this critical period.

Thank you,

This goes for you as well, Constant Reader. The pressure getting too much? Reach out.